Is Glossier Cruelty Free? An In-Depth Look

Is Glossier Cruelty Free

In the world of beauty, Glossier has carved out a unique niche for itself with its “skin first, makeup second” ethos and minimalist, Instagrammable aesthetics. Founded in 2014 by Emily Weiss, this millennial-favorite brand has developed a devoted following, especially among those seeking a low-key, natural makeup look.

However, as conscious consumerism grows, more and more beauty enthusiasts are questioning the ethics behind their favorite brands. One burning question that frequently arises is: Is Glossier cruelty-free?

The short answer is: Yes, Glossier is a certified cruelty-free brand that does not test on animals.

This guide covers Glossier’s animal testing policies, vegan products, sustainability practices, and ethical ingredient sourcing like mica, and compares Glossier to other cruelty-free brands to assist in determining if it aligns with your values.

So keep reading to find out all the intricate details behind Glossier’s cruelty-free claims and make an informed choice as a conscious consumer.

What Does It Mean to Be Cruelty-Free?

Before we explore Glossier’s specific policies, it’s important to understand what the term “cruelty-free” really means in the world of cosmetics and personal care products.

Being cruelty-free refers to the brand’s stance against animal testing. Specifically, it means that a company does not test its final products or ingredients on animals at any stage of development. This includes not conducting animal tests themselves, as well as not allowing suppliers or third parties to test on animals on their behalf.

The term “cruelty-free” is not officially defined and means different things to different brands. Third-party certifications like Leaping Bunny and PETA ensure brands meet certain standards to be considered cruelty-free.

“Cruelty-free” means no animal testing, but it doesn’t mean a product is free from animal products. “Vegan” means a product has no animal products or by-products like beeswax, lanolin, or carmine.

Is Glossier Certified Cruelty-Free?

Yes, Glossier is certified as a cruelty-free brand by Leaping Bunny, one of the most respected and stringent certifications in the industry.

To earn the Leaping Bunny approval, brands must meet a comprehensive set of criteria and open themselves up to regular audits to ensure compliance. Specifically for Glossier, this means:

  • None of their ingredients, formulations, or finished products are tested on animals anywhere in the world.
  • Glossier does not allow any of its ingredient suppliers or manufacturers to conduct animal testing.
  • No third parties are permitted to test on animals on Glossier’s behalf.
  • Glossier does not sell its products in any countries or regions where animal testing is legally mandated for cosmetics.

Leaping Bunny’s certification provides consumers with the assurance that Glossier’s cruelty-free claims are legitimate and backed by a respected, independent authority.

Glossier’s Supplier & Third-Party Testing Policies

A brand’s cruelty-free commitment extends beyond just its practices – it must also ensure that suppliers, manufacturers, and any third parties involved in production do not engage in animal testing as well.

Glossier has confirmed that it strictly prohibits all of its suppliers and vendors from testing ingredients or products on animals. The brand says it carefully vets and audits the companies it works with to ensure they uphold the same ethical standards against animal cruelty.

Furthermore, Glossier states that it does not conduct animal testing through any third parties or allow others to test on animals on its behalf.

This comprehensive policy helps maintain the integrity of Glossier’s cruelty-free certification across its entire supply chain and production process.

Does Glossier Avoid Animal Testing In China?

One major area of concern when it comes to cruelty-free cosmetics is China’s animal testing laws. Certain products sold in physical stores in mainland China are subject to animal testing requirements, even if the brand itself is cruelty-free.

However, Glossier has explicitly stated that it does not sell any of its products in retail locations in mainland China. By avoiding this market, the brand can bypass China’s post-market animal testing mandates that would otherwise conflict with its cruelty-free principles.

As China’s cosmetic regulations evolve and provide potential exemptions for certain products to be marketed without animal testing, Glossier’s stance may adapt accordingly. But as of now, the brand is firm in its policy of steering clear of markets that necessitate animal cruelty.

Vegan Options at Glossier

Cruelty-free certification is a significant achievement, but many consumers also look for vegan products with no animal-derived ingredients.

Unfortunately, Glossier is not an entirely vegan brand. Some of its products contain ingredients like beeswax, lanolin, and carmine, which are derived from animals.

Glossier has increased its vegan options. All new products since 2019 are vegan, and some bestsellers like Generation G lipsticks have been reformulated to be vegan-friendly.

How to Identify Vegan Glossier Products

To make it easier for customers to identify vegan options, Glossier marks all qualifying products with a little plant icon on their website and marketing materials.

Some of Glossier’s popular vegan products include:

  • Milky Jelly Cleanser
  • Brow Flick precision brow pencil
  • Solution exfoliating skin perfect
  • Cloud Paint gel-cream blush
  • Pro Tip brush point liquid eyeliner

While not a fully vegan brand yet, Glossier’s expansion of animal-free formulas demonstrates its commitment to aligning with evolving consumer values and expectations around ethical beauty products.

Glossier’s Sustainability Efforts

In addition to its cruelty-free and vegan initiatives, Glossier has also been working towards reducing its environmental impact and becoming a more sustainable brand.

One major step in this direction has been the introduction of Glossier’s “Limited Packaging” option. When placing orders on their website, customers can choose to opt out of receiving the brand’s signature pink pouches and unnecessary extra packaging. Instead, orders are wrapped in simple paper sheets, significantly cutting down on plastic waste.

Glossier has also updated its shipping boxes to be made from 100% recycled cardboard and has removed wasteful elements like sticker sheets and plastic liners from its packaging.

In 2020, the brand discontinued its non-biodegradable glitter gel makeup product after receiving criticism from customers about its environmental impact.

Additionally, Glossier has stated its intention to transition towards using synthetic, renewable mica in its products to address ethical concerns around mica mining and child labor.

Ethical Mica Sourcing Concerns

Mica is a mineral commonly used in cosmetics to provide a shimmery, glittery effect. However, a significant portion of the world’s mica supply is obtained through unethical mining practices that involve child labor, human rights violations, and environmental destruction, particularly in regions like India and Madagascar.

While Glossier has expressed its commitment to sourcing mica more ethically, the brand has not provided detailed information about its current mica sourcing policies or auditing processes. This lack of transparency makes it difficult for consumers to assess whether Glossier’s mica is truly being obtained through ethical means that respect human rights and the environment.

As conscious consumers become increasingly aware of issues like mica mining’s link to child labor, brands will likely face growing pressure to provide more visibility into their supply chains and sourcing practices for such high-risk ingredients.

How Glossier’s Cruelty-Free Commitment Stacks Up

Overall, Glossier has made significant strides in aligning its brand with cruelty-free values by earning Leaping Bunny certification, expanding its vegan offerings, and taking initial steps towards more sustainable packaging and ingredient sourcing.

Compared to many other mainstream beauty brands that still engage in animal testing or use animal-derived ingredients, Glossier stands out as a more ethical option for those seeking cruelty-free cosmetics.

However, the brand still has room for improvement in certain areas, such as:

  • Transitioning to a fully vegan product line
  • Increasing the use of sustainable packaging materials beyond just recycled paper
  • Providing greater transparency around its mica sourcing and other high-risk ingredient supply chains

For consumers prioritizing an entirely vegan beauty routine with minimal environmental impact, cruelty-free brands like Milk Makeup, Ilia Beauty, and Kosas Cosmetics may be better aligned with those values compared to Glossier’s current offerings.

Glossier’s policies and initiatives show its commitment to listening to consumers and improving ethical standards.

Is Glossier Worth Supporting if You’re Cruelty-Free?

The decision to support or boycott Glossier depends on your criteria and priorities.

On the plus side, Glossier ticks a major box by being certified cruelty-free by the strictest standards. The brand has also shown a willingness to innovate with more sustainable packaging options and vegan formulations, even if it still has progress to make in those areas.

However, suppose you adhere to a strictly vegan lifestyle that avoids all animal-derived products and prioritizes minimal environmental impact above all else. In that case, Glossier’s current product line and practices may not fully align with your values yet.

As with any brand, it’s crucial to stay updated on Glossier’s policies as they evolve and make your purchasing decisions accordingly based on your ethical benchmarks.

Frequently Asked Questions on Glossier

Are all new Glossier products vegan?

Yes, Glossier has confirmed that all new products launched since 2019 have been formulated as vegan, without any animal-derived ingredients.

Is the iconic pink pouch recyclable?

The pink pouches are made of plastic and are not easily recyclable through most municipal recycling programs. However, Glossier does offer a “Limited Packaging” option to avoid receiving the pouches.

Does Glossier use ethically sourced mica?

Glossier has not provided detailed information about its current mica sourcing policies or auditing processes to ensure ethical mica mining without child labor.

Does Glossier test on animals when required by law?

No, Glossier has explicitly stated that it does not sell its products in any countries or regions where animal testing is legally mandated for cosmetics, like mainland China.

Is Glossier owned by a parent company that tests on animals?

No, Glossier operates independently and is not owned by any parent corporation that engages in animal testing.

The Bottom Lines

Navigating the world of cruelty-free and vegan cosmetics can be complex, with brands making varying claims and committing to different ethical standards. In the case of Glossier, the brand has earned reputable third-party certification for being cruelty-free and has made strides in expanding its vegan product range.

While not a fully vegan or zero-waste brand yet, Glossier’s policies and initiatives demonstrate a commitment to evolving alongside consumer demands for more ethical and sustainable beauty products. Ultimately, whether Glossier aligns with your values as a cruelty-free consumer is a decision you’ll have to make based on your specific priorities.

As with any brand, it’s crucial to stay updated on Glossier’s animal testing policies, vegan offerings, sustainable packaging, and ethical sourcing practices as they continue to adapt and improve over time. By supporting brands that prioritize cruelty-free principles, we as consumers can collectively drive the beauty industry towards a more compassionate and responsible future.

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