Our Story

CrueltyFreeZones.org was born out of a shared passion for animal welfare and a desire to create a kinder, more sustainable world. Co-founded by Sienna Alvarez and a team of dedicated individuals, our mission was simple: to empower people with the knowledge and resources needed to embrace a cruelty-free lifestyle.

In the early days, we were a small but mighty team, fueled by our unwavering commitment to the cause. From Sienna’s cozy apartment in San Francisco, we began researching, writing, and sharing valuable information about cruelty-free products, practices, and ethical living.

The Driving Force

At the heart of our endeavor was a belief that every small choice we make has the power to create ripples of change. We understood that the path to a cruelty-free world was paved with education, awareness, and accessibility. Armed with this conviction, we set out to demystify the world of ethical consumerism and provide practical guidance for navigating it.

A Growing Movement

As word spread, our community began to grow. People from all walks of life rallied behind our cause, united by a shared desire to make compassionate choices. Our team expanded, welcoming passionate individuals like Mariko Tanaka, Mitchell Calderon, and Tyson Weatherly, each bringing their unique skills and expertise to the table.

Together, we created a wealth of informative content, covering everything from cruelty-free beauty and fashion to plant-based dining and sustainable living. Our social media channels became vibrant hubs, where like-minded individuals could connect, share experiences, and inspire one another.

A Lasting Impact

Today, CrueltyFreeZones.org stands as a testament to the power of collective action and unwavering determination. Our team of dedicated writers, researchers, and content creators continues to push the boundaries, exploring new frontiers of ethical living and animal advocacy.

While our journey has been incredible, we know that our work is far from over. With each passing day, we strive to reach more people, spark more conversations, and inspire more individuals to join us on this path towards a kinder, more compassionate world.

our dedicated team:

Passionate Cruelty-Free Advocates

Our team at CrueltyFreeZones.org is a dynamic collective of passionate individuals united by a shared vision of creating a kinder, more compassionate world. With diverse backgrounds and expertise ranging from animal welfare advocacy to sustainable living, each member brings a unique perspective and unwavering dedication to our mission. Together, we are a force of changemakers, tirelessly working to educate, inspire, and empower individuals to embrace cruelty-free choices in every aspect of their lives.

Sienna Alvarez
Sienna Alvarez
Mariko Tanaka
Mariko Tanaka
Mitchell Calderon
Mitchell Calderon
Tyson Weatherly
Tyson Weatherly

Our Driving Principles: Unwavering Values That Guide Our Actions

At CrueltyFreeZones.org, our work is driven by a set of core principles that shape our approach and decision-making. These principles serve as the foundation for our mission.

Compassion First 

We believe in extending compassion to all living beings, prioritizing their well-being.

Ethical Integrity 

Honesty, transparency, and ethical practices are at the heart of everything we do.

Inclusive Community 

We foster a welcoming and inclusive environment that embraces diverse perspectives.

Continuous Learning 

We embrace a growth mindset, constantly exploring new ways to create positive change.

Environmental Stewardship 

Protecting the planet is integral to our mission of promoting cruelty-free living.

Empowering Change 

Our goal is to equip individuals with the knowledge and tools to drive meaningful change.


Popular Questions

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Our co-founders’ shared passion for animal welfare and a desire to make ethical living more accessible drove the creation of CrueltyFreeZones.org.

We launched CrueltyFreeZones.org in 2018, and since then, our community and impact have been steadily growing.

Our mission is to educate, empower, and inspire individuals to embrace cruelty-free living through conscious choices and sustainable practices.

We provide comprehensive guides, resources, and engaging content that cover various aspects of ethical living, from beauty to fashion and dining.

Our team comprises dedicated individuals with expertise in animal welfare, environmental sustainability, and ethical consumerism.

You can join our community by subscribing to our newsletter, following us on social media, and exploring our resources and services.

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